CDM Internet Church

Special Offers !

The Witch That Switched Finally it's here as an E-Book for our International Orders: Irene Park's book, "The Witch That Switched"!

This E-Book offer will be $3.00 Don't Delay Order Today


Read the forward to "The Witch That Switched.

See the back cover to "The Witch That Switched.



The Witch That Switched Don't miss this Special price incl. shipping of Irene Park's book, "The Witch That Switched"!

This Limited Time Special will be $4.59 with FREE Shipping & Handling Anywhere in the US!


Read the forward to "The Witch That Switched.

See the back cover to "The Witch That Switched.





 "Witches,  druids,  wizards, 
 magicians,  sorcerers, pagans
 of every  breed  are  in high 
 mass,  tribe and  clan leaders 
 are calling  a reunion  in the
 supernatural realm. These  are
 Sabbaths  to  the  worshipper 
 of Satan   -   'people in the
 occult' - and they take these
 days very seriously."

One of the premises of this ministry is to "equip the saints"! And it is my desire that you are "built up in Him", and that you can walk in DIVINE HEALTH thru communion. So why mention that here? Because I Corinthians 10:21 says: " ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." Jesus urged his disciples to " be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves". (Matthew 10:16) "...For we are not ignorant of his devices." (II Corinthians 2:11) Equiped with this booklet, you can put yourself into a position to FULLY receive from the Lord.




The Homosexual and the Perverse Spirit

This is one of the most important works
in print today.  The 'perverse spirit'
is the most subtle and cunning agent of
Hell in existence today.  You will learn
why there is so much tolerance for the
homosexual movement.  This booklet is a
MUST READ for the Christian today!  Do 
you ever wonder why you don't seem to 
have the results you'd expect to have
being a Christian so many years?  This
Booklet will provide you with the answers
and the way for you to get back on track. 
This is the most important investment
you could make for yourself!  I recommend
you STUDY it so that you can be "without
spot or wrinkle" as you prepare to meet
the Lord.  I thank God for this important
work He led Irene to pen. 




FASTING:  The Key The introduction in this booklet states that it is "to be used as an instrument in the guidance of those seeking freedom from the powers of darkness". "For successful and lasting deliverance, it is necessary that instructions be followed." This booklet will provide you with the "key" to unlock your door to deliverance. Jesus said in Matthew 17:21... "Howbeit, this kind goeth out not but by prayer and fasting". THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS TO DELIVERANCE. There is no help from pills or analysis. The only pill I know that's effective is the GOS-PILL (GOSPEL) and Jesus said...









"The majority of people are not
aware  of the  powers  of evil
associated with or attached to 
certain symbols,  signs,  and 
emblems. People for generations 
have been under the persuasion
and influence of demonic powers 
by having these emblems in their 
homes or in their possession."

Equip yourself Saint! It's time for a house cleaning!







"The Masonic Order is highly 
organized. It doesn't just 
induct you into the  order 
and let you remain 'just a 
member'.  You have become 
false religion and much is
required of you."

Sections include:








God says in Hosea 4:6  "My people 
are perishing for lack of knowledge."

This booklet by Irene shows us that
it's our lack of knowing who we are
in Christ.  She shows us how to gain
that understanding and stand against
the powers that seek to destroy us.

Some of the topics are:
What is a Puppet?
Voodoo Today
"Christian" Puppeteering?
...Breaking Curses




God has told us in Deuteronomy 5:28:  "Do not
make for yourselves images of anything in 
heaven or on earth or in the water under the 
earth."  (Good News)
All items and all crafts made by people are 
not pagen:  Only those which God has forbidden.

There are many beautiful works of art and 
handcrafted items, but  we Christians are 
to use wisdom in purchasing items and articles.
It is a good thing to always pray before making 
such a purchase. Ask God to direct you.



Get all 7 booklets by Irene Park as PDF files that I will send to you in an email for only $4.29

This is the first time that all 7 booklets have been available and represents the complete set of her booklets.

All our emails and files are secure with our web host: HPP Christian Hosting Solutions. HPP Christian Hosting Solutions is a division of Highest Praise Productions, Inc.

Thank you for your order and be sure to watch for your email from .


Fran Zupp When it was time for the battle to begin they called up the choir and psalmists! Praise led the Israelites into battle. Don't neglect filling your being with the Praises of God! Fran Zupp is an anointed psalmist and writes and arranges all her songs. Psalm 93 just happens to be one of my favorites. Worship is an integral part of your growth in the Lord.

I'm going to give you Fran's recording from Psalm 1 called: Blessed is the Man Just give it a 'click' and it's yours!

Then I'm going to give you an opportunity to support Fran and this ministry with a CD quality mp3 file that I will send to you in an email... Fran Zupp's recording of

Psalm 93 for 79 ¢


Thank you for your order and be sure to watch for your email from .

If you would like to donate to CDM Internet Church to help support this ministry please click the donate button.

Send email to Pastor Herb